Reduce Cholesterol Nutritionally-Clinical Evidence

Reduce Cholesterol Nutritionally-clinical evidence

Lower LDL, Increase HDL, Lower Lp(a), Lower Triglycerides, Remove Lp(a) from Arteries


The best way to reduce cholesterol nutritionally naturally is to nourish the body with vital nutrients like vitamin c, minerals and amino acids. There is ample evidence to prove that cholesterol can be controlled and heart health improved nutritionally.

Why reduce cholesterol nutritionally?

If the true cause of high cholesterol were eating cholesterol rich foods and saturated fats, completely avoiding saturated fats would have brought heart disease under control. But that is not happening. Why? Eating high cholesterol food and saturated fats does not increase the levels of lipoprotein(a), the real risk factor for heart disease.

if you really want to lower cholesterol naturally and bring cholesterol levels to normal levels then according to latest research you have to think of lowering lipoprotein(a) or lp(a) cholesterol.

Lowering lipoprotein(a) is the way to lower your cholesterol levels naturally

Why reduce lipoprotein(a) nutritionally?

Statins inhibit cholesterol synthesis. They do not lower elevated lp(a) cholesterol levels. Phyto sterols and stanols remove excess cholesterol from the intestine. Additionally, statins, sterols, stanols and other products like soluble fiber are not nutrients present in the body like vitamins, minerals and amino acids. They cannot take the place of nutrients.

Cholesterol synthesis inhibitors, phyto chemicals that remove excess cholesterol from the intestines are not nutrients and they do not lower lipoprotein(a). Lowering lipoprotein(a) is the best way to lower cholesterol naturally and bring the cholesterol levels in normal range. Nutrient deficiency over prolonged period of time has caused cholesterol and lipoprotein 9a) levels to be high. Hence only nutrients will be helpful to reduce lipoprotein(a) nutritionally.


How high LDL cholesterol levels are normalized?

With nutritional therapy, the underlying cause of high cholesterol and heart disease are removed by synergistic action of the nutrients.
The nutrients, especially lys

ine and proline, form a complex with lipoprotein(a) floating in the blood and prevent them from further deposition on the blood vessel walls. The complex is sent to the liver. The liver removes the complex from the body.

The same nutrients, lysine and proline, remove lipoprotein(a) attached to the artery wall. The complex is then sent to the liver for removal from the body. During this process other material trapped in the artery plaque like LDL cholesterol, apo (a), calcium deposits etc. are also liberated in the blood stream.

Simultaneously, by the synergistic action of the ingredient’s vitamin c, lysine and proline, collagen synthesis is promoted in the body.

The lesioned arteries get repaired and slowly become healthy. The need for the deposition of lp(a) molecules does not arise on healthy arteries. The arteries become stabilized. As a result of this the liver is forced to make only healthy cholesterol levels.

It may take at least six months or more to complete the repair process. [It has taken you 30 to 40 years for plaque to deposit.] This depends upon how much quantity of plaque is present in the arteries  and varies from person to person. During this time your risk of heart disease is drastically reduced.


Any clinical evedince exists?

So, your question now is, do you have any evidence to show that this nutritional therapy reduces cholesterol levels? The results obtained are better than any other conventional therapy like statins, Ayurveda or home remedies like apple cider vinegar.

For this I need to show you two types of evidences:

  • Reduction of cholesterol levels;
  • Atherosclerotic deposits are removed.

Evidence #1: Reduction in LDL, Lipoprotein(a) & Triglyceride, Increase in HDL levels.

Following are the interim results of two clinical pilot studies. The results shown are in patients with elevated cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) plasma levels who have been following a nutritional therapy program for three months.

Details of Study Design

  • A study was conducted with 15 patients in the age group 34 to 68 years and suffering from fat metabolism.
  • They took specific micronutrients for three months.
  • They also took their regular prescription medication.
  • To obtain interim results, blood tests were obtained at the beginning of the study and following twelve weeks of nutritional therapy or vitamin treatment.

Interim Study Results

At the beginning of the study, the average blood lipoprotein(a) level of patients was 71 mg/dl , and the average total cholesterol level was 293 mg/dl .

  • After three months on the vitamin program,
  • The average level of lp(a) decreased by 13%.
  • Total cholesterol in all patients decreased by 14%,
  • LDL decreased by 10%,
  • Triglycerides decreased by 22% and
  • Homocysteine decreased by 3%.
  • HDL (good cholesterol) increased in this time period by 8%.

It is important to note the decrease of lp(a) levels since there is no successful conventional treatment available to lower this significant blood risk factor for heart disease.

Lipoprotein(a) is a tenfold greater risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.


Evidence#2: Removal of heart blockage (Atherosclerotic Deposits)

For evidence #2, Ultrafast Computed Tomography method was used in the studies.

Aim of the study

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a defined nutritional supplement program and specific nutrient synergy on the natural progression of coronary artery disease in 55 patients (50 men and 5 women) between the ages of 44-67 with coronary artery disease as documented by Ultrafast Computed Tomography

Study Design

The study focused directly on the key problem – the atherosclerotic deposit inside the walls of the coronary arteries.

For this study, Ultrafast Computed Tomography (UCT) was used. UCT is a modern technique that allows the measurement of the size of coronary deposits non-invasively. The computer automatically calculates a deposit’s size by determining the Coronary Artery Scan (CAS) score. The higher the CAS score, the more calcium has accumulated, which indicates more advanced coronary heart disease.

Changes in the size of the coronary artery calcifications in each patient were measured over an average period of one year without vitamin supplementation followed by one year with the vitamin program. In this way, the heart scans of the same person was compared before and after the vitamin program. This study design had the advantage of the patients serving as their own controls.

Study Results

During the course of the 12-month nutritional therapy program, the fast growth of coronary deposits was slowed during the first six months of the study and essentially stopped during the second six months. After one year of using the specific supplement program, the coronary deposits entirely disappeared, indicating on a natural healing process of the artery wall.


Two types of evidence is provide to show that nutritional therapy is the way to lower cholesterol naturally, lower lipoprotein(a), normalize cholesterol levels and remove arterial plaque. Reduce cholesterol nutritionally..


For full details see the article: Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1996. Vol. 48 (pp 68-78)