Licorice Good for Weight Loss – How does licorice help weight loss?

Licorice Good for Weight Loss – how does licorice help weight loss?


Is licorice good for weight loss was the subject of one study. In that study it was shown that licorice was able to reduce body fat mass and to suppress aldosterone without any change in BMI. Licorice can reduce fat by inhibiting 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 at the level of fat cells. Loosing weight is essential for obese people because it will help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

What is Licorice?

Licorice plant which is good for weight lossLiquorice (British English) or licorice (American English) is the common name of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of which a sweet, aromatic flavouring can be extracted. The liquorice plant is a herbaceous perennial legume native to the Western Asia and southern Europe. In India it is known by the name Mulethi.
Liquorice extracts have been used in herbalism and traditional medicine  Excessive consumption of liquorice (more than 2 mg/kg/day of pure glycyrrhizinic acid, a liquorice component) may result in adverse effects, such as hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, and muscle weakness.



Active Principle in Licorice

Active ingredient of Licorice
Glycyrrhetinic acid (compound)

Glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) is one of the main bioactive compounds of licorice and is used widely in medicine for the treatment of much pathology.

Glycyrrhetinic acid is also called as Enoxolone. Enoxolone is a pentacyclic triterpenoid derivative of the beta-amyrin type obtained from the hydrolysis of glycyrrhizic acid, which was obtained from the herb liquorice. It is used in flavoring and it masks the bitter taste of drugs like aloe and quinine.

How to prepare licorice root tea?

Prepare a herbal tea using licorice root powder. Take 1/2 teaspoon of licorice root powder and add to 1 cup hot water. Steeping loose herbs in hot water to make tea for a sore throat or weight loss or purchasing a prepared herbal tea that has licorice as a primary ingredient.

Drink this licorice tea two to three times a day.

Licorice can also be blended with  lemon and ginger which adds a little flavor and helps increase metabolism.

Does Licorice help Weight Loss?

One research study done in 2003 on effect of licorice in reducing body fat mass. The study was done on 15 normal-weight subjects who consumed for 2 months 3.5 gms a day of a commercial preparation of licorice.

Body fat mass (BFM, expressed as percentage of total body weight, by skinfold thickness and by bioelectrical impedance analysis, BIA) and extracellular water (ECW, percentage of total body water, by BIA) were measured.

Body mass index (BMI) did not change. ECW increased.

BFM was reduced by licorice: (male: before 12.0+/-2.1 vs after 10.8+/-2.9%, p<0.02; female: before 24.9+/-5.1 vs after 22.1+/-5.4, p<0.02); plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone were suppressed.

Licorice was able to reduce body fat mass and to suppress aldosterone, without any change in BMI. Since the subjects were consuming the same amount of calories during the study, we suggest that licorice can reduce fat by inhibiting 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 at the level of fat cells

 Safety of using licorice or weight loss?

  • In large amounts and with long-term use, licorice root can cause high blood pressure and low potassium levels, which could lead to heart and muscle problems. Some side effects are thought to be due to a chemical called glycyrrhizic acid. Licorice that has had this chemical removed (called DGL for deglycyrrhizinated licorice) may not have the same degree of side effects.
  • Taking licorice root containing glycyrrhizinic acid with medications that reduce potassium levels such as diuretics might be bad for your heart.
  • Pregnant women should avoid using licorice root as a supplement or consuming large amounts of it as food.

Want a Better Product to Lose Weight


Reduweight supplement for weight lossGarcinia Cambogia can be used alone to burn belly fat. It can be more efficient if it is blended with other ingredients proven to lose weight like Guggul, Ginger, Licorice, Green Coffee Bean Ext., Green tea ext., and chromiun. This blend Reduweight supports weight loss and help reduce obesity.





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