Right way to lower cholesterol.

Right Way To Lower Cholesterol

Right Way To Lower Cholesterol


Right way to lower cholesterol effectively depends upon the root cause of high cholesterol. As nutritional deficiency of vitamin c and other micronutrients causes high cholesterol and high lp(a), obviously nutritional therapy is correct way to lower cholesterol and maintain lipid levels in healthy condition.

High Cholesterol Problem Defined

Are you looking for a right way to lower cholesterol effectively, maintain healthy lipid levels and have a healthy heart? First of all why do you want your cholesterol levels to be normal. You are aware that high cholesterol levels, especially bad (LDL) cholesterol levels leads to cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading cause of death in India as well as the whole world. Most importantly, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer are found to be more prone to viral infections. You want to improve your health and increase immunity but you are not getting the right answer. Your search for the right way to improve your heart health ends here. I am here to provide you the right answer to your burning problem.

Does the advise you get helpful to you?

The moment your doctor says that your cholesterol levels are rising, the first thing you do is stop eating or reduce eating saturated fats. This is what you have been hearing and seeing others do. You get plenty of advise like:

  1. Stop smoking
  2. Limit our alcohol intake;
  3. Do exercise like walking, jogging or yoga
  4. Eat healthy
  5. If obese, reduce your weight
  6. Eat vegan food, rich in fiber
  7. Stop eating saturated fats & switch to unsaturated fats.
  8. Try home remedies like taking apple cider vinegar
  9. Change your lifestyle.

You have tried many things from the above list but still you are not satisfied. Many others have tried it. Still the incidence of heart diseases is increasing. In India, people in the middle age group are also suffering from high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. The above suggestions are of little help to you.

What i am going to tell you is the perfect way that really works to bring your cholesterol levels down and reduce your cardiovascular risk.

Overview of existing ways to lower cholesterol

The main risk factor is high cholesterol levels. If bad cholesterol levels are high it leads to atherosclerosis (heart blockage formation) and then lead to coronary artery disease. Therefore the stress is on lowering cholesterol as the way to reduce the risk of heart disease.


The existing methods for lowering cholesterol can be classified as follows:

A) Cholesterol levels are high but no symptoms of heart disease exist

This is the early stage of heart disease. Here the aim of the treatment is to lower your bad cholesterol levels as low as possible so that the rate of atherosclerosis goes down. If the rate of atherosclerosis goes down it will take a longer time for the arteries to get blocked and a longer time to get heart disease.

The treatment method can be classified into two groups:

i) Inhibit cholesterol synthesis

The aim here is that the body should produce less cholesterol. Our body makes daily about 1 to 2 gms of cholesterol as it is an essential nutrient for the body.

For this drugs like statins are used. Statins inhibit cholesterol synthesis because of which less cholesterol is produced in the body. Statistics shows the use of statins has not helped in curbing heart disease or reducing CVD events.

ii) Remove excess cholesterol from the body

The aim here is to remove excess cholesterol from the intestine so that the body get less cholesterol Again here the focus is on cholesterol (insoluble form of cholesterol). Here several herbal phytochemicals like Guggul, Psyllium husk, sterols, stanols etc are used. The excess cholesterol gets adsorbed on these herbal supplements and are removed from the body via liver detoxification.

iii) Home remedies to unclog arteries

Some products like apple cider vinegar, garlic honey ginger combination, turmeric and other herbal products are claimed to unclog arteries. These claims are not substantiated.

Recent scientific studies show that the major component in plaque is not LDL but a more atherogenic form of lipoprotein called as lipoprotein(a).

These home remedies may be removing plaque (unclog arteries) or inhibiting plaque formation but definitely they are not promoting collagen synthesis and strengthening arteries. Their ingredients do not have the building blocks of collagen synthesis.

iv) Lipoprotein(a) lowering agents

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) is well known as a lipoprotein(a) lowering agent. Fish oil has also been demonstrated to lower lp(a) cholesterol. Niacin in combination with fish oil reduces lipoprotein(a) levels.

Still niacin and fish oil fail to reduce cardiovascular events. Niacin and fish oil reduce the blood level of lp(a) floating in the blood. So, blood lp(a) levels are removed. But lp(a) attached to arteries are not removed.

Summary of existing ways to lower cholesterol

The existing methods discussed above fail to support the liver to make good cholesterol. Whatever cholesterol is available to the liver, the liver converts it into soluble lipoproteins as per body’s requirement. If more LDL is required it will make more LDL cholesterol.

Why liver is making more LDL cholesterol?

Research conducted in 1990’s by Dr Matthias Rath has shown that long term deficiency of micronutrients like vitamin c, minerals and amino acids like lysine and proline destabilize the artery walls. Fine lesions are formed on the artery walls.

Here liver comes to the rescue. As a repair mechanism liver makes lp(a) cholesterol from ldl. Lp(a) being more atherogenic binds on the lesions forming a plaque. Here lp(a) behaves like a repair molecule. This is natures way of preventing blood oozing out of the arteries.

What we learn from the above research?

As long as the arteries are are weak and destabilized, the liver will continue making excess ldl cholesterol and use it to convert it into lp(a), which will then deposit wherever lesions are formed.

Now we can easily infer what is the real way to lower cholesterol effectively.

Likely solution to maintain healthy cholesterol levels & healthy heart

The real way to to lower cholesterol is to have a supplement, drug, herb, food. diet or anything that will have all these properties:

  1. Remove lipoprotein(a) floating in the blood;
  2. Remove lipoprotein(a) attached to arterial wall in the form of deposits;
  3. Repair the arteries by promoting collagen synthesis;
  4. Strengthen the arteries.

When the arteries become strong and healthy, ample amount of oxygen and nutrients reach the heart. The heart starts working optimally.  The blood vessels are healthy and strong. They do not require lp(a) anymore. Therefore liver stops making excess ldl and excess lp(a) cholesterol. It makes normal cholesterol levels.

Your lipid profile will remain healthy as far as your body is not deficient of any vital nutrients.


The discussion in this article was about the right way to lower cholesterol. The existing methods though helpful to a certain extent fail to prevent CVD events. There is an urgent need for a right supplement or a right way to lower cholesterol.

So the best cholesterol lowering supplement, drug, herb or medicine must have following characteristics:

  1. Lower elevated lipoprotein(a) levels;
  2. Remove arterial plaque;
  3. Promote collagen synthesis
  4. Strengthen blood vessels

Example supplement: Lypro-c

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